Varicocele: The Hidden Danger to Men's Health

What is Varicocele?

Varicocele is a condition caused by abnormal enlargement of the testicular veins. This condition, which occurs in fifteen per cent (15%) of men, is the enlargement of the testicular veins.  Varicocele, which starts at a young age, can progress over time and adversely affect sperm quality.

Causes and Effects of Varicocele

This condition has a direct effect on sperm motility and vitality. Thus, “Does varicocele cause infertility?” raises the question. However, with the advancement of modern medicine, the problems that varicocele may cause can be treated.

Varicocele Treatment

Varicocele is a condition that can be treated. The treatment, which can be treated with microsurgery, is performed microscopically. Surgical intervention in the groin area takes about half an hour. The intervention, which is a very easy operation, affects the formation of the biological system suitable for baby formation.

The fact that the patient is discharged on the same day after the operation proves how easy the operation is. At the end of the operation, which is completed in as little as half an hour, the reproduction rate increases by 50% – 60%. The expected recovery at the end of varicocele surgery is completely achieved after three months. The fact that it has very low complications has increased the presence of patients who have undergone the operation with microsurgery.

The treatment, which has serious consequences if left untreated, may return to the person as organ loss in later stages. This situation, which is only possible in advanced stages, is possible with the accumulation of fluid, swelling and damage of the testicle over time.

How is it diagnosed?

The diagnosis of varicocele is usually performed by a urologist. Methods such as manual examination and scrotal colour doppler sonography are used to detect vein dilatations.

What are the Symptoms of Varicocele?

  • Pain in the leg
  • Pain in the groin
  • Pain in the testicle
  • Decreases in male hormone (testosterone)
  • Shrinking testicle
  • Testicle that stops growing
  • Infertility
  • Swelling / swelling where the testicles are located (scrotum)
  • Inability to have a child despite regular sexual intercourse

Varicocele Surgery

Varicocele surgery is a surgical procedure to treat the enlargement of the testicular veins. One of the possible effects of varicocele is infertility, so many men consider surgical options to treat this condition. Here is what you need to know about varicocele surgery:

Why is it done?

The main reasons for varicocele surgery:

Pain: Some patients experience pain, a feeling of heaviness or discomfort in the testicles.

Infertility: Varicocele can negatively affect sperm production and quality.

Decrease in testicle size: Varicocele can cause a decrease in the size of the testicle.


Although varicocele is a common condition affecting men’s health, it can be successfully treated in today’s medicine. It is especially important for men to consult a specialist without wasting time if they notice it during reproductive age.

Each treatment option has its own risks and advantages. You should talk to your doctor in detail to decide which treatment is best for you.